The chat I participated in was about strategies for new teachers. I found it so helpful, and it was actually really nice to see how teachers manage issues that could arise from being a first year teacher, from curriculum to dealing with difficult students. I thought it was really cool to be able to add my own input, even though I am not a teacher--no one knew that in the chat! I also felt a lot more willing to participate in the "twitter world" because i felt like i actually had a reason to respond. Before, I felt uncomfortable responding to what some people had tweeted. But since this was an atmosphere made for conversation, I wasn't as apprehensive.
I learned a lot of things in this blog. People had great ideas about how to make their students feel more welcome, such as greeting them at the door. But overall, we discussed a lot of ways to handle or respond to students with behavioral issues. Some people had really great links to share too. This is definitely something I can see myself using in the future and participating in once I have real experience in the classroom.
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