Saturday, November 20, 2010

(this is for educ 155)

Lisa Myers

Materials Review
1. Puppets

The Head Start Discovery Garden had posts of puppets; dozens of animals to choose from. This would be a great way for students to interact with each other and build their language skills while using their imagination.
The most obvious use of language in a setting like this is pragmatic awareness. When children role-play, they use pragmatic knowledge to act. They may pretend to be different characters, whose tone, wording, and personality may change depending on what they are playing. This is also a chance to learn to share, take turns and be respectful of each other.
Another way children can improve their language skills with puppets is phonetically. It is great that these puppets are all animals, because animals all (usually) make sounds. They can practice different sounds of the English language by imitating the sounds of animals. Example: -Ch sound: “chirp chirp”, “s” sound for the “sssssss” sound that a snake makes, etc.
This activity would be great for a wide age range. In preschool, it would help children with the more phonetic aspects. In kindergarten, more of a pragmatic observation would be made. Older children could use the puppets to act out scenes that they have written.

2. Doctor’s chart kit

This kit came with laminated note cards, laminated “clip boards” and dry erase markers. Children are encouraged to read the words on the chart to rewrite them onto the Doctor’s Chart. The cards are organized into categories, such as doctor tools, parts of the body, and symptoms.
This activity could be used in many ways to promote language learning. It touches all aspects of language: oral, reading, written and listening. For younger kids, it is a great tool to practice copying letters down, and learning how to spell simple words. It is very helpful for young children who are beginning to read because each word has a picture next to it, and the print is big and easy to read. They can also use roll playing to practice using the words and pretend to be a doctor, which would encourage pragmatic knowledge. For older children, these cards could even be used as a word sort using concepts. The ring connecting the laminated cards can be taken out, the cards could be jumbled, and kids could sort them by category. For kids 2nd grade to 5th grade, this activity is great for semantic and pragmatic knowledge as well as building reading skills.

3. Instant Learning Center (Shapes)

The instant learning center by Lakeshore is a great way for young children to improve their language skills. The focus of this set is for children to match shapes to every day objects. With the right modeling, this could be a great language-learning tool. There is also a write and wipe assessment board that kids can write on as they are matching their shapes to the object on the board.
This game is most appropriate for preschool children. The use of shapes and every day objects promotes semantic knowledge because they are encouraged to identify the objects that they choose with the right modeling as well as the write and wipe assessment board. Also, in this game, children take turns, which promotes part of the pragmatic knowledge. This could also be used as a phonemic lesson if the focus were on the beginning sounds of each item. For example, a teacher could ask the students to put the “s” square onto an object that starts with the “s” sound.

4. Match a Sound

This activity helps students practice matching words that rhyme, or sound the same. (A good phonetic tool). This is a great activity that is a smaller version of a word sort that is very hands-on for the student to manipulate. It is hard to read in the picture, but under each object, the words “eight, plate, and skate” are written on a rectangular note card. There are several note cards like this one, with different words written on it. In the box are objects to match the word.
To use this in the classroom, I would start with the way it was intended to use; to match the objects to the words written and say the rhyming words out loud. But as the students became more familiar with the activity, I would take the words away, and let them work in pairs. I would have one student pick one object, such as “plate”, and let the other student find the other two that rhymed with it. I think that this activity would be best for students k-2.

5. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

The book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is an excellent book for preschoolers learning the alphabet. It is also practical to help them practice recognizing and making rhyming words. The book goes through rhymes with each letter of the alphabet, and forms a story of all of the letters climbing up the tree.
This book can help preschool children in many ways. First, it helps their reading skills and knowledge of the alphabet because they are introduced to it repeatedly. It can help their phonetic awareness greatly because of the rhymes and the rhythmic text. Also, this book can help their syntactic awareness because of the repetition. By the end of the book, a child should be able to chant parts of the rhymes along with the reader. Because of the big print and simple words, it is a great way for preschoolers to get started on their sight word knowledge.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Book Presentation

I thought overall, my group's presentation on The Cult of the Amateur went well. I think that the members in our group did a good job sharing the floor and providing information. I also think we asked good, open ended questions such as "how do you know your source is credible"? Our Mindmeister went a lot better than I expected. I think it was a good way for the class to brainstorm and be actively engaged in our presentation. Something that didn't go well was our Polleverywhere, but I think we recovered it well by turning it to the whiteboard--we could still prove our point and didn't lose too much time or focus. If I could, I would write more notes to myself for parts of the explanations, because I left out some points that I would have liked to share. For the most part, however, I am happy with how my group presentation went.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

twitter chat session: #ntchat

The chat I participated in was about strategies for new teachers. I found it so helpful, and it was actually really nice to see how teachers manage issues that could arise from being a first year teacher, from curriculum to dealing with difficult students. I thought it was really cool to be able to add my own input, even though I am not a teacher--no one knew that in the chat! I also felt a lot more willing to participate in the "twitter world" because i felt like i actually had a reason to respond. Before, I felt uncomfortable responding to what some people had tweeted. But since this was an atmosphere made for conversation, I wasn't as apprehensive.
I learned a lot of things in this blog. People had great ideas about how to make their students feel more welcome, such as greeting them at the door. But overall, we discussed a lot of ways to handle or respond to students with behavioral issues. Some people had really great links to share too. This is definitely something I can see myself using in the future and participating in once I have real experience in the classroom.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ipad apps for the classroom

I was a little skeptical when I first thought of using the iPad in the classroom, especially because I will be an elementary school teacher. But after searching, I came across some really awesome things that I am sure students would appreciate.

The first one I found is called the US State map app. It is basically a puzzle of the United States, and the students would have to put the states in the right place to form the country. There are multiple levels as well as world maps and historical maps.

The origami app, if used carefully, could be very effective. It shows students how to make origami pieces. Having students work with directions to make origami could be useful for reading skills as well as spacial skills.

There is also the iMeasure, which has basic measuring tools that students can use in the classroom.

Although there are some apps that could be useful learning tools, I think that if not used carefully and specifically, the iPad could be more of a distraction than an aid in learning.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I started looking into Prezi the other day... and I'm hooked!

Some of these presentations are so well crafted that I just want to keep clicking "continue" so that I can see what the creator will think of next.

Prezi is a 3D version of powerpoint, with twists and turns and zoom ins and zoom outs for each "slide"...but get this, all on one page!

Pros of Prezi:

-very interesting
-few limitations
-accessible to everyone, any time (as opposed to a powerpoint which needs to be downloaded)
-good means of presentation


-"sea sickness" (twists and turns, zoom ins and zoom outs)

I think that in the classroom, prezi could be used very effectively as a study tool. Games and projects could very easily be created to help a student review for a test. However, I would not choose to use this as a presentation for a classroom. I think the students would be more focused on the technology than the information.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Education 109

In Education 109 today we talked about how using technology in the classroom can be ineffective. I think that using applications such as Blogger and Twitter can be tricky in a classroom setting. It should be carefully planned out and monitored so that it can be the most effective.

Friday, August 27, 2010

tech saavy?

First day of educational Technology, and I feel like I'm part of the baby boomer generation--Twitter??
I thought twitter was something for those who craved attention. Why would I want to know what someone is doing every minute of the day? But I have realized that it is a very useful professional tool. I can kind of "tune in" to the minds of other educators, which is actually pretty cool. I can see this being a great resource in the future. So maybe instead of having a "social" twitter like all of the attention craved teenagers, I'll keep my twitter professional.